‘Bila Kucing Tak Ada Apa Lagi Lah Tikus-tikus Pun Mula Lah Main Tahi!’- Restoran Chef Wan Ditutup Selepas Setahun Beroperasi

‘Bila Kucing Tak Ada Apa Lagi Lah Tikus-tikus Pun Mula Lah Main Tahi!’- Restoran Chef Wan Ditutup Selepas Setahun Beroperasi

Walaupun nama Chef Wan popular di dalam bidang kulinari seluruh dunia, namun faktor itu tidak cukup untuk membuatkan perniagaannya berjaya.

‘Bila Kucing Tak Ada Apa Lagi Lah Tikus-tikus Pun Mula Lah Main Tahi!’- Restoran Chef Wan Ditutup Selepas Setahun Beroperasi
‘Bila Kucing Tak Ada Apa Lagi Lah Tikus-tikus Pun Mula Lah Main Tahi!’- Restoran Chef Wan Ditutup Selepas Setahun Beroperasi

Terbaru, restorannya Chef Wan’s Kitchen yang beroperasi di Esplanade, Singapura terpaksa ditutup disebabkan perkara-perkara yang tidak boleh dielakkan. Restoran itu juga baru beroperasi selama setahun.

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‘Saya lega dengan penutupan ini..’

Selepas setahun beroperasi, restoran milik Chef Wan, Chef Wan’s Kitchen di Esplanade, Singapura akhirnya tutup. Menurut Chef Wan, restoran tersebut ditutup oleh kerana beberapa perkara yang berada di luar kawalannya. Chef Wan’s Kitchen dibuka pada Julai 2017 dan pembukaan restoran itu atas kerjasama Chef Wan dan rakan kongsi di Singapura.
Saya tidak katakan tukang masak Singapura bagus atau tidak. Namun chef-chef yang bekerja di situ tidak menghasilkan masakan mengikuti resipi-resipi saya.

Pergi bandingkan lontong saya dengan lontong dia atau nasi lemak saya dengan nasi lemak dia, cukuplah. Berbuih-buih cakap berhari-hari hantar gambar, hari-hari buat macam-macam.

Saya lega dengan penutupan ini. Kalau boleh nak sedekah pisang kat masjid.

Jadi tak payah pening kepala. Tak payah tengok macam mana chef-chef Singapura itu nak kena maki hamun siang malam pun tak buat jugak.

Sedangkan saya buat di Mandarin Oriental Hotel KL hari-hari. 800 orang saya sajikan semua hari-hari tidak ada masalah pun.
Last week i got the new about the delay of handling over our future restaurant in KL by the developer thru my business partners. Now the target hand iver of the building bila siap is Oct. So we hope by Christmas boleh la buka, Insyallah, delayed lagi. I just finished an interview also with BH Spore tadi about the closing down of my restaurant " CW Kitchen in Singapore". As my contract to Associate my name with the restaurant is due for review after 1 year we decided to closed it down. No doubt the Esplanade is a wonderful location we do realised that being on the 2nd floor and tucked away from the visible eyes of the public this location is not attracting enough public traffic. We are not generating enough businesses to also cover our operating expenses pun so might as well close it down lah i told my other business partners. I also noticed the chefs working in the kitchen cant seem to produced my recipes really well and their inconsistency is amazing. I oftened get feed back from all my fans sending photos of the food they eat likewise at times the poor front services which oftened have me feeling up set by the way things have come about. My partners pun ada mcm2 commitment lain with their own businesses pun and are constantly travelling. So its difficult to run a business when i am here and they are everwhere pun! Bila Kucing tak ada apa lagi lah tikus2 pun mula lah main tahi! Saya pun rasa lebih nak bertegang leher dan bersuara selalu dah mcm Anjing menyalakan kat bukit tu pun. I told my partners jika 6 bulan pun the head chef tu tak boleh produce a proper food to meet the standard of my cookbook tu dan buat sesuka hati mereka then fire them and replaced them with a Malaysian experienced Chef. Tak nak pulak. So after one year i just had enough lah. I told the BH Spore tadi selama 3 tahun Wan masak recipe2 yg sama di Mandarin Oriental Hotel tu bagi makan tiap2 mlm sampai 800 org pun boleh lagi saya masak sedap2 and working with 6 team of chefs daily ini kan masak daily for less then 60 guests in that restaurant itu pun masih lagi cannot do it right them something must be terribly wrong with that kitchen lah! continue..
A post shared by chef wan (@_chefwan58) on Jul 23, 2018 at 9:18pm PDT

Sumber: Astro Awani/ Instagram Chef Wan

Credit: OhBulan


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